
What is Finala?

Finala is an open-source resource cloud scanner that analyzes, discloses, presents and notifies about wasteful and unused resources.

With Finala you can achieve 2 main objectives: Cost saving & Unused resources detection.



Finala is built on top of KISS design principle.


Keep it simple, stupid (KISS) is a design principle which states that designs and/or systems should be as simple as possible. Wherever possible, complexity should be avoided in a system—as simplicity guarantees the greatest levels of user acceptance and interaction.

Key Features:

  • YAML Definitions: Resources definitions are described using a high-level YAML configuration syntax. This allows Finala consumers easily tweak the configuration to help it understand their infrastructure, spending habits and normal usage.
  • 1 Click Deployment: Finala can be deployed via Docker compose or a Helm chart.
  • Dashboard: Users can easily explore,investiage and focus on unused or unutilized resources.
  • Resource Filtering by Cloud Provider Tags: Users can filter unused resources by just providing the tags you are using in your cloud provider.
  • Schedule Pro Active Notifications: Finala has the ability to configure scheduled based notifications to a user or a group.

You can reach the Finala community and developers via the following channels:

Where to go next?

To get familiar with Finala and it's components go to Components.

Then run Finala for the first time to get a glimpse for your potential savings, check out our Quick Start